About Us

voize stands for innovative documentation

Our goal is to automate tedious administrative tasks with highly specialized AI systems, so that our users can concentrate on the essentials.

Supported by great investors

Get to know our team

We are the team behind voize.

Fabio Schmidberger
CEO / Managing Director

Erik Ziegler
CTO / Managing Director

Marcel Schmidberger
COO / Managing Director

Leon Kiefer
Architecture / DevOps

Christian Bruckdorfer
Machine-Learning Engineer

Jonas Hering
Software Engineer

Jan Westphal
Machine-Learning Engineer

Reuben Morais
Machine-Learning Engineer

Robert Ziegler
Junior Machine-Learning Engineer

Maik Zarnbach

Maik Ziemer

Lena Langer
PR / Marketing

Kim Heiserholt
Project Assistant

Nicole Große
Project Manager

Daniel Knap
Customer Success Manager

Niklas Wistuba
Customer Success Manager

Katja Schwabe
Research Assistant

Baran Akcadag
Customer Support

Patricia Sowa
Customer Support

Sandra John
Customer Support

Rebecca Asemann
Data Engineer

Benita Rigo
Data Engineer

Nico Fuchs
Data Engineer

Stephanie Malchow
Data Engineer

Jenny Wittig
Data Engineer

Joana Busse
Data Engineer

Jan Kuhlemann
Data Engineer

Inga Wachenfeld
Data Engineer

Matea Galić

Helena Stute
Data Engineer

Aylin Yalcin
Data Engineer

Our mission

Our mission is to automate tedious administrative tasks so that our users can concentrate on the essentials. Through highly specialized artificial intelligence, we create systems that noticeably relieve the burden of work.

How it all began

When our grandfather went into a nursing home, we saw with our own eyes how time-consuming nursing documentation is. It eats up time that could be put to much better use in care.
We set ourselves the goal to change this and to create valuable time for the interpersonal. In close cooperation with our users, we have designed and developed the speech input for nursing documentation. In the meantime, voize is used throughout Germany across all sectors.

Find out how voize can be used in your company.

Get in touch with us.